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About Dhani Loans and Services.

About us

Dhani Loans and Services ,

Financial Services has a working relationship with several other NBFCs and has partnered with several NBFC-MFIs, HFCs and NBFCs (Minimum charges)

. As digitization transformed the banking and financial sector, the company recognized a great opportunity and ventured into the retail lending space with Dhani Loans and Services.

On the back of this digital transformation, Dhani Loans and Services, has struck a sweet spot by providing a future ready digitised product to its consumers with Dhani. Dhani is a completely online financial Services has a working fulfilment offering which provides customers with money directly in their bank accounts. The product has been developed to cater to the aspirational needs of the everyday Indian by providing speed and convenience to their personal loan needs. Along with  Services of personal loans, DLSL also caters to small and medium businesses by offering business and other Loans Services with minimum charges.


Help fulfil the dreams and aspirations of fellow Indians, no matter how much they earn, what occupation they have or where they live

Our Goal

We want to impact maximum number of lives by providing them with a wider access to financial services, through use of technology and by putting in trust in our customers